Monday, 14 April 2008

Best of British week: Etsy

I’m back from the land of the disconnected, despite the fact that BT have still found it beyond their basic capabilities to set up a simple line in my new flat (boo!).

So now I’m playing catch-ups with Best of British week, which was kick-started last week over at Meet me at Mike’s.

First up is one of my top Brit picks from Etsy, Cotton Bird Design.

Based in Shropshire in the UK, this gorgeous Etsy seller specialises in delicate hand-stitched birds made from vintage maps, paper and fabric. I particularly like the vintage map birds which feature areas in the south coast of England, including the Isle of Wight and the New Forest. But the “Map Walk” bird, US$39, is pretty cool too, with hand-written text detailing paths, caves and potholes. Reminds me of the kind of map the Famous Five kids would have dug. If it came with lashings of Ginger Ale.


Anonymous said...

And a stern telling off from Uncle Quentin.

Vintage paper goods and birds ... Two of my great loves combined!